MaryJane has always been a sci-fi nerd since a very young age. Starting out as a Trekkie at 7, she went on to complete a BS in physics, a BA in East Asian studies, and a minor in math. She also knows pretty much every line in every Star Wars movie
Alexandra Stevens: So, tell me, how would you define the term NERD?
MaryJane Wegrzyn: Someone who really enjoys math and science in any form. Also, someone who likes sci-fi and fantasy stuff, but those are secondary to math and science
A.S: Wait a second. I am confused. Does that mean you're a dude? Because I thought there was no such thing as a girl nerd.
M.J: haha, the term nerd isn't gender biased! though, the reason there are more dudes in math and science is because there have been studies showing that the areas of the brain that deal with these fields are typically more dominant in men. Though, that's not to say that there are no girl nerds, there's just not as many.
A.S: Well you didn't really answer the question. I mean for all I know, you could just have some serious man boobs.
M.J: I can assure you that i have all of the necessary female parts
A.S: Now that we've gotten that out of the way, what makes you a nerd?
M.J: Well, for one, I will have my BS in physics next week. I also have a minor in math. I really enjoy learning about these subjects, my favorite physics subject was particle physics. I also really like sci fi stuff, especially star wars and firefly. I've also dabbled a little in sci fi writing, but I'm still learning
A.S: What about the other side of nerdom? Like D&D and anime and all that stuff?
M.J: I play D&D with my best friend over the summers, usually. I also play some video games, mostly RTS, though I have played WoW before and just never got huge into it. I don't really like anime, it just doesn't interest me that much. I much prefer to read than watch anime.
A.S:Whats an RTS? And what are some of your favorite games in the genre?
M.J: RTS stands for Real Time Strategy, which pretty much means that you advance in the game along a player created timeline. for example, if you build a bunker, you have to have someone to construct it and wait for it to be built. My favorite RTS is starcraft, which i have been playing since 98. I'm a beast at it. I cant wait for stracraft II, which is coming out later this year FINALLY. I also really, really loved warcraft II, I think it's probably in my top 3 games of all time.
A.S: Starcraft? You mean that game only Koreans play? Ugh. First, I thought you were a male, now I find out your Korean.
M.J: Well, I do speak Korean.
A.S: Hmph. Wrong again I suppose. So what are you planning to use your nerd powers for in the future?
M.J: I havent really decided on a definite plan yet, but I will probably go to grad school in a year after I've paid down my loans.
A.S: What do you think are some misconceptions about being a nerd? And also, are there any big ones for nerd girls?
M.J: I'd say that the biggest misconception about nerds is that they have no social skills. Just because most nerds are not interested in what most people consider to be super mainstream doesn't mean that they don't know how to have fun interacting with other people. We just prefer to find other people who are interested in the same things and hang out with them.
A.S: And as for the girls?
M.J: Biggest misconception about nerd girls? I think the one I've encountered the most was that I only date nerd guys. I don't date anyone based on their major or if they like math and the my boyfriend isn't nerdy at all, really.
A.S: Have you ever been to a con? If so, do you cosplay?
M.J: I've never been to a con, I don't really have time. I don't cosplay, either, the closest I get is when I dress up for the renaissance faire.
A.S: If you weren't a nerd, what social group could you see yourself in an alternate universe?
M.J: Hmmm, I would say probably a musician. I've been playing the drums since I was 9 years old and music is a huge part of what I do, so thats probably where I'd be.
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