Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Take on: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Hey folks. I am not going to give you guys the back story to the Scott Pilgirm. Sorry, that's what Google is for. What I am going to tell you is how awesome this movie project looks. Lets get started. First off, the casting seems spot on. For once Michael Cera is not playing a slacker high school student. No, he's playing a slacker college drop out. Sooo much classier. But, I am glad that I am not tired of him replaying the role again and again. Based off the trailer, the movie seems to be following the comic series pretty spot on. Which is why I am scared. Kick Ass looked like it followed the comic, till the ending. Granted, that series is still on going. Although, it seems Kevin Smith endorsed it for the same reason I am going to. I feel like I am watching a Scott Pilgrim comic. Which I guess is another point of a good comic book movie. Sometimes it isn't about being continuity accurate, it's about looking like a comic.

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